次に、新型「MacBook Pro 14/16インチ」については、既に量産段階にあり、まもなく出荷される可能性があるとのことで、来週に発表されることは間違いないと述べています。
なお、M3チップを搭載した「MacBook Air 13/15インチ」も開発中とのことですが、これらは「MacBook Pro」よりもスケジュールがはるかに遅れており、来年まで登場は期待出来ず、「Mac mini」「Mac Studio」「Mac Pro」の新モデルが登場するのも早くても来年になると予想されています。
Apple has been planning an M3 iMac for a while, with the machine going into production months ago. No other major changes other than the chip, but the stand’s internal design has been tweaked. I’d expect colors to remain similar. https://t.co/7nm7Zyq94b
New high-end MacBook Pros are in mass-production and are likely shipping imminently. I have little doubt these are being announced next week. https://t.co/v4IWBR1Wyshttps://t.co/C14nyhD7qe
There are also 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Airs with M3 chips in development, but those are farther behind the MacBook Pros and I don’t expect those until next year. I wouldn’t expect a new Mac mini, Mac Studio or Mac Pro until next year at the earliest. https://t.co/OdQUm3Mey7
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